Monday, January 19, 2009

Ok, Now, Lets Get Free!

As I close my eyes in the shadows of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, I imagine the swell back in the United States as my home country witnesses the swearing in of Barack Obama.  Amidst a people and in a nation who’s unapologetic plan for world domination went awry, my lids twitter like heavy sleepers at the thought of early arrivals to the nation’s capital.  I’m familiar with the map.  And I can see in my mind’s eye, the District filling up with proud citizens emboldened with a new pride in their nation’s government and political leaders.  People are arriving in D.C. with their best Sunday go to meetin’s, shoes shined, digi cameras ready and do’s carefully coiffed, anticipating a party. 

Rightfully so.  Barack Obama represents a hope that people in the Americas and around the world have not seen in many years.  And for the record and those myopic mental midgets who see the two party system as the end all be all, I voted for the President-Elect with pride, truly believing that he was the best option for this post -  one shrouded in imminent controversy, secrecy and allegiance to an oppressive imperialistic system.  Generations of new voters, who consider themselves not responsible for Bush’s debacle, Clinton’s transgressions or Reagan’s promise to the rich of the 80’s, tremble with pride for having elected a man we all believe will bring transparency and hope to American politics in light of the greatest economic disaster in recent history.  Older Americans who never thought they would see a man of African descent become President are witnessing history bizarre enough to make their blood pressure spike, whether happy or disgusted.  And social critics, like your faithful narrator, and others full of the I-Told-You-So’s are giddy with glee at the wealth of fodder for creative and analytical content.  It’s a wonderful day indeed.  It’s a pretty picture. 

It’s a pretty picture yet, rather hysterical.  In school, I learned about the messiah complex.  For those not familiar, it’s the idea that we as humans tend to sit on our knuckles and rely on one individual to take us to the promise land.  Typical for Americans who embraced the term “Couch Potatoes” and welcome fast-food with gusto. Naturally, this complex spreads like a fever, especially if the messiah is exceptionally articulate.  And naturally, because we put our eggs in a basket we don’t own, this complex usually ends in disaster.  I’m just waiting for that other shoe….to drop, while I celebrate along side my country people and take pride in my vote. 

But I remain critical.  The President-Elect stated from the Lincoln Memorial yesterday that, “the dream of our founders will live on in our time.”  I remind this collective audience that our founders were my owners, my persecutors, and my saviors, a dangerous relationship if we expect to neglect a historical perspective and sweep the afghan over years of oppression and violence.  One of the messages that will be hard to swallow for Americans whose throats are choked up from Obama fever is the President’s challenge to accept individual responsibility towards change.  I echo that challenge to my fellow Americans to expand our idea of citizenship before the highest office in the land begins to disappoint out inflated sense of joy.  Support his efforts and accept his mistakes.  Keep him lifted on a cloud of love and critical analysis in order for him to adhere to his promises.  Take responsibility for change in our home community as we anticipate the restoration of hope nationwide.  Encourage neighbors to change everyday practices, read local and foreign news publications, learn other languages like Chinese (Ni hao Nina!!) and consider running for elected office.  Because if we don’t act on this hope for change, if we sit back like potatoes and fry our brains in the deteriorating fat of a rotting economic landscape, if we chastise our leader at every turn for flip-flopping or back-peddling and settle on some phantom historical milestone, we will fail future generations.  And America will suffer the same fate of other empires who’s gassed up sense of self importance got bushwhacked swiftly by posterity.  Congratulations President Obama, America and the people of the world.  Now that the party is over, let’s get free.


All Power To The People

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